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Rebecca Evans DECOY.jpg

Free will in modern times.




Direction and Choreography

Rebecca Evans

Original Dancers

Emily Thompson-Smith, David Ogle, Lisa Hood, Tim Chew and Megan Griffiths

Costume design

Otavia Trama

Lighting design

Jo Hornsby

''Her work is not coy. It is choreography that we ought to keep count of. ''

 -Liza Weber,

"sharp, strong choreography with inspired movement ideas"

-Chantal Guevara, Cloud Dance Festival

How we make choices when surrounded by marketing, technology and social media. DECOY looks at our interaction with modern culture.  Asks how we maintain our own individuality and when, if ever, can we step out of the constant stream of information.  

In a 20 minute non stop piece, 5 dancers continually circle the stage, individuals caught together in a stream of constant motion and information until one decides to step out and stop.  

With space in-kind from The Place and Islington Arts Space. 

Performed at

The Place, Resolutions! 2015

Richdance Festival 2015

Pop up at Tate Modern 2015

Chelsea Arts Collective 2015

Big Dance Festival 2015

Spontaneous Combustion Festival 2015

London Bridge Festival 2015 

Video and Image: The Place Resolution! Team

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